Mar 14, 2008


Perfect example of my job for the last four years. If you read my previous post you know about my whirlwind business trip, which includes a jaunt across the pond, that started last night and was to continue until who knows when. Late last night, the powers that be decided that the trip to London wasn't this point. So instead of boarding a red-eye across the Atlantic tonight I'll board a flight home. What great news! No working the weekend (well there may be a little of that), no red-eye flight (they don't mix well with me), no conversion from dollars to pounds (a reminder that everything in America is on sale), no immediate uncertainty of where I'll be in the next 48 hours (I'll be boarding a flight back to Chicago Sunday night or Monday morning). What a difference a day makes!
PS - Kathryn: My next project looks to be with a NY team also, so don't lose hope for our ridiculous dinner!

1 comment:

k. said...

Thank you for the fine print. I was worried.