Mar 12, 2008

I'm Leavin' On a Jet Plane.

Don't know when I'll be back again. Really. I don't have a return trip booked. I boarded a flight to Chicago this evening where I'll be until I board another flight to London on Friday. I'm still not sure how I get from Heathrow in London to the city I'll spend Sunday, Monday and Tuesday in (Wikipedia says the city functions as a dormitory town on the London commuter belt...whatever that means). Yet another flight to board on Tuesday, this time to NY, I think. This leg of the trip is still up in the air (Kathryn, I will let you know as soon as I find out - we could meet for dinner!). A couple days in the Big Apple and THEN....I'll be back again.


k. said...


I mean boo for not having a return flight.

But YAY!!

Let's go somewhere ridiculous.

Monica said...

Oh, you are my world traveller! I can just vicariously live through you while I sit at home! Sounds kind of fun to me...hopp'in on one plane after to city! The opposite of what your doing always sounds a lot better, huh. Oh well, like I say, I will live through you for the time being!! Safe travels Kel!

Andy said...

As soon as you say your not traveling much.....let me know when your going to around for a weekend and we'll have the sushi group over. Have fun!

erin said...


hopefully you can get out and about in London, even though you are only there a short time. It is my favorite city.
