Jul 11, 2008

Blogging Hiatus.

I've been on a bit of a blogging hiatus for the last month or so. I'm going to say its because of work and life and summer and the FABULOUS vacation we just had at Lake Powell (more on that later). I also wanted to say that I'm still checking in on all of you and that I have the most noble intentions of becoming a frequent blogger again. That being said this weekend will be a catch up on birthdays, family reunions, daily occurrences (that you probably don't care about - but I have the photos to document), trips with friends, concerts, etc.
Side note: These posts will be happening while J is away at a remote mountain location being an active (and willing) participant in a potential documentary of what happens when wild animals attack. Usually he observes these programs safely from the comfort of the living room sofa and I still haven't figured out what happened in his brain to make him trade the comfortable, safe living room for the lonely, dark, tree stand. Just when you think you know a person...


Kristin said...

Can't wait to hear all about the fun!

k. said...

Oh my gosh. I've been checking your blog 27 times a day for the last 3 weeks. Is that weird?

I'm really confused about J's recent activity of choice...

See you soon!

Andy said...

I can't wait 'til we go to Powell. What is this about Jason and the wild? He's hunting something??

Monica said...

Sounds like you had a blast in Powell...how can you not...love that place!! Hey are you doing the 5k tomorrow...I better see you bright and early girl!!

Kellie said...

Monica - I'm bad. No 5K for me. Let's talk this week.