Mar 6, 2008

The Windy City.

Another day another city. Yesterday morning I boarded a flight to Chicago, where I was supposed to spend two days (which has since turned into three - good thing I threw in an extra suit at the last minute). Chicago is a city I have visited a lot over the past four years, which has been pretty lucky on my part. I figure if I have to travel, I might as well travel somewhere good. Chicago has a great skyline, a comforting amount of pedestrian traffic (none of whom jaywalk) and is quite clean (especially in comparison to NYC).

In 2005, I spent all of May in Chicago working some pretty crazy hours. Early one morning, the team finished up and caught taxis back to our hotel on Michigan Avenue. When we got out of the cabs "the tantalizing aroma of chocolate" was wafting over the city --- it seemed almost magical. The hotel staff told us there is a chocolate factory across the river that does production at night. If it is possible to get drunk off a smell it happened, because the chocolatey goodness washed away all the unpleasantness from that day and was the only memory that stuck. Maybe I'll get lucky and have time to visit the factory tomorrow on my way out.....

Random facts about Chicago:
  • Chicago is the third largest city in the US, with a population of over 2.8 million,
  • On December 2, 1942, physicist Enrico Fermi conducted the world's first controlled nuclear reaction at the University of Chicago as part of the top secret Manhattan Project,
  • Chicago is located in northeastern Illinois at the southwestern tip of Lake Michigan.

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