Mar 7, 2008


I think I may have mentioned I'm not a morning person - at all. However, I committed to changing this when I moved back to Utah. Heidi has been a big help and got me into a morning gym routine. Last night I set my alarm for 6:30 am so that I could make it to a gym class at 7:00 am this morning. When the alarm went off, I snoozed it a couple times (perhaps it was more than a couple) before deciding I should shift the alarm back an hour and go to the 8:00 am class instead. When it went off at 7:30 am, I snoozed it a couple more times and then got up and headed to the gym. During all of the snooze activity J said, "If I had a dollar for every time the alarm clock went off and you didn't get up I'd be a billionaire."


k. said...

Ha. I love it.

I am becoming a new lover of the snooze button.

Kellie said...

It's a steep slope!

erin said...


the snooze and I have had a long love affair. I can't count how many classes I missed because of that button. Now, I must set my alarm 1 hour early so I can snooze my way to morning.


Monica said...

Oh, the snooze is my best friend. I am not a morning person...that's why my real estate job was so perfect for me! I didn't have to be at work till 11am most of the time...loved it!