Mar 26, 2008

Do Tell.

I consider myself a fairly low maintenance girl. But that hasn't kept me from wondering if using an eyelash curler really makes a difference. What do you think? Is it worth the $19 price tag (which according to the fine print should be shelled out every six months for optimal results, hygiene and safety)?


k. said...

I've used one every single day since like, 8th grade. Maybe that's weird, but I think they "work".

Don't spend $19 though. Just buy a cheap one at a drug store (Revlon or something, $9 or less). Same thing. Not worth spending a ton of money on.

Alix Bryant said...

Kel, I have very short eyelashes so I've been using a curler since I was old enough to dabble in make up and this is by far the best one. It's by Shiseido and you can get it at Nordy's:

Monica said...

My pic is the Trish McEvoy curler. I know people say it doesn't matter what kind, but I swear this one curls your eyelashes like no other! I didn't believe it at first, but it seriously makes a difference. Her makeup is AMAZING too! You can get her stuff at Nordy's...of coarse!

Kellie said...

Thanks ladies! I knew I could count on you. I'll have to pick one up this weekend and let it work its magic.

jamieanne said...

I love love love eyelash curlers. I've tried a variety of them...from drugstore to luxurious...I think they're all basically on the same playing field, it's all in the technique.