Feb 21, 2008

Tag, You're IT!*

My dear friend and blogging inspiration, Kathryn (I would link to her awesome blog here, but she's private), tagged me not once but twice. The first one came back in November. I think I had created my blog, but at this time it was a blank canvas - literally - so I didn't follow through. After a whirlwind blogging tutorial my last night in NYC which included A LOT of her creative direction, my blog became the thing it is today.

I've always remembered that tag; and, unfortunately I'm one of those people who always has nagging thoughts of obligations that need to be fulfilled. The second tag came just today, which I consider to be a Sign since it was just LAST NIGHT that I searched her blog to find out what I had been tagged with in November. After reading the post I realized it was to give seven interesting facts about myself. I pondered it for a bit and then thought, what the #$%! 7! And promptly, shut my computer down & went to bed. Enter the Sign....I think the You're IT is going to curse me until I pay up, so here is my attempt at Tag #1: 7 interesting things about Moi (caution: I am using interesting and random interchangeably here) and Tag #2: 10 songs that come up on my iPod using Shuffle.
Tag #1
01. I like to start projects, programs, initiatives, etc. at the beginning of the [insert - week, month, quarter, year]. I'm not sure why, but my brain rationalizes that if I haven't went to the gym, for example, by Wednesday or Thursday there is no point in going that week and I'll plan to start next week. (this is something I'm working on in 2008)
02. I was the spelling bee champ of Farmington Elementary in 1991.
03. I rip pages out of magazines (this usually happens while I'm traveling) that have recipes, work-outs, fashion finds, beauty advice, travel tips, etc. that I want to try/buy/incorporate into my daily routine. This behavior greatly disturbs my husband. I haven't sold him on my grand magazine encyclopedia concept yet. Our printer/scanner that he lovingly picked out should turn this concept into a much less paper based system.
04. I can only recall throwing up twice in my entire life.
05. As a child, one Sunday dinner I had to sit at the dinner table for what felt like hours because I wouldn't eat my mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes! I was a picky kid, but mashed potatoes? I now believe in trying everything once, usually more than that. And man oh man has my palate developed.
06. I enjoy shoveling snow. (I'm sure this is temporary as this is the first winter in four years that I've had this chore)
07. I am a serious list maker. At the moment I have: (i) a very incomplete list of 2008 resolutions/goals, (ii) a Today list, that is not supposed to exceed 10 items, (iii) a To Do list at work for the current project I'm working on, (iv) a To Do list at work for when I am not working on a project, (v) a vacation location list, (vi) a list of movies I want to see, (vii) a list of books I want to read, (viii) a list of potential gifts for friends and family, (ix) a list of potential blog posts and (x) a list of things to do in UT now that I'm back. What? You think that is excessive? But it's so organized!
I tag Alix, Andy & Monica. I also tag Heidi - I will help you set up your very own blog.
Tag #2
01. Soak Up the Sun - Sheryl Crow
02. All My Loving - The Beatles
03. The Soul Cages - Sting
04. Fever - Madonna
05. Sunday Morning - No Doubt
06. Harold & Joe - The Cure
07. Worms vs. Birds - Modest Mouse
08. Your Winter - Sister Hazel
09. Wild Horses - U2
10. #1 - Nelly
Ditto on the tag above plus Jamie Anne.
*This post made possible via the free WiFi at West Palm Beach Int'l Airport - this trend of being stuck in the airport for hours before my flight better not be an indication of my travel trend for the year!


Mike said...

Yay! Better late than never. :)

We share a) obsessions with lists b) obsessions with ripping things out of magazines.

PS- You're such a good blogger. I'm jealous & proud, all at the same time.

k. said...

Oops again. :)

Kellie said...

Everything I do I learned from you!

ps - super excited to see you this week!