Feb 19, 2008


I am not a morning person, never have been. My first night out of town for work I never sleep well. I think this is for two reasons. First, I am a bit OCD when it comes to hotels so I never really settle into bed. In fact, I tend to lay quite rigidly in the same position all night (not at all common for me). I don't walk on the floor without socks, I clean off the remote and after an email from my Dad I don't use the glasses in the bathroom. And second, when I have to meet people in the lobby the next morning I wake up at all hours thinking it's later than the actual time. I've been doing this for years - just ask Monica about all the times I called her house during high school at 3 am to tell her I was coming to pick her up for dance practice that didn't start until 6 am. Skip forward to 10 am this morning, when I was a couple hours into meetings (about topics not overly exciting), with a less than adequate night of sleep. I was hurting and what came to my rescue.........Peppermint Altoid Smalls. I can't say that I love their flavor, but the "curiously strong mints" perked me up in no time and my heavy eyes became a thing of the past. If only I had discovered this amazing quality sooner!


Monica said...

That is sooooo funny Kel! I totally forgot about the 3am calls...makes me laugh!! Oh, the fun morning drives to practice! Hope your having a little fun in Florida!

jamieanne said...

I think Altoids and a Red Bull are my killer perk me up combo!

Kellie said...

I'll have to try that combo! I bet it could keep me going all day!