Jan 27, 2008

P.S. I Love You.

My sister, Heidi, and I went to this movie on Saturday afternoon. I'm a movie cryer, always have been. This one was no exception. I really liked it, it makes you appreciate the smaller things in life. Oh yeah, Hilary Swank looked amazing in it - best she's ever looked in a movie. Get some girlfriends together and go check it out.


k. said...

I want to see this, but I'm pretty sure I need a girlfriend to see it with.

Uh oh.

Can you please move back to NYC? :)

Kellie said...

I think so, Mike may not fully appreciate it. So sad that I'm not there to go with you :( I'm sure I'll be back soon and we can plan lots of girlie stuff to do. Let me know what you think of it.

Monica said...

Oh, when you said that you cry at movies a lot I just thought of when me, you, d'layne, and julie went to my girl...do you remember this...we all cried like babies...oh, the memories...funny!!!

Kellie said...

That is too funny! I was trying to figure out how to put the My Girl post-bathroom scene in this post, but I couldn't write it to fully represent the situation!