Jan 31, 2008

Rock Star.

My sister, Jodie, and her husband have this game for their Sony Playstation. My family started playing it a few weeks before we moved back to Utah from NYC and we've been playing it on weekends ever since. Jodie is the most accurate, always hitting 100% of the notes. Heidi has become the one to beat since she has learned all the cool tricks. That was until Jeff practiced up and moved from easy to medium, now he can smoke us all. It's fair to say I'm one of the less talented Guitar Hero's. Not a surprise, I've always said I'm not musically inclined (remember Kathryn?). The only exception to my mediocrity is When You Were Young by The Killers. J and I saw them in concert at Madison Square Garden last May; it was a great show. I listen to them on my iPod and on iTunes at work all the time and I think I can rock the song because I know it so well. I guess the weekly Headbangers Ball on MTV while getting ready for Davis football games on Fridays during junior high didn't stick....otherwise I'd be the one smoking them.

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