Jan 13, 2008


Today is our last day in New York City. I've never been fond of goodbyes and this one is not any different. We spent the last week meeting with friends that we were fortunate to accumulate over our 3 and 1/2 years in the city (we even met with some friends more than once). My typical goodbye is somewhat rushed and comes off as a see you later rather than something more final. I guess it's my way of dealing. I'll miss the city and meeting up with my friends here, but I know we'll keep in touch.

1 comment:

k. said...

Your blog looks cute. :)

I'll miss you SO MUCH! But really- we'll see you often (in Utah, and hopefully NYC), and we'll stay in touch. J will blog frequently, I'm sure. :)

I'm a "see you later" person and not a "goodbye" person. The latter is just too dramatic and final. No thank you.