Jan 14, 2008


After a crazy morning spent clearing the apartment of anything related to us, I am now in Houston on a 26 hour layover before I continue my trek Home. I'm here because of a work conference that I needed to attend. In my attempt to become an active blogger & due to my routine travel with work, I have decided to include a few facts about the cities I visit. Therefore, my list of fun facts about Houston:
  • Houston is the fourth most populous city in the United States (trailing only New York, Los Angeles and Chicago),
  • Founded in 1836, the City of Houston has a population of 1.9 million (the metro area population is 4.8 million),
  • Houston has professional team representing every sport and
  • Houstonians eat out more than residents of any other city (Houston has over 11,000 restaurants).


k. said...

Yay! :) I love that you are blogging.

I've heard there is great food in Houston. Would you agree? I've never been.

Kellie said...

I'm glad you like it! I can't guarantee how many of the posts will be interesting though :)

Unfortunately, I was in a hotel for my entire time in Houston, except for the cab ride to and from the airport. So I was stuck with catered hotel food which is never great.