Mar 3, 2008

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

One of my 2008 goals is to be more green. I grew up in a home that recycled aluminum cans and newspapers, so it's only natural that part of this includes recycling all of the plastic, glass, paper and cardboard that J & I consume. In NY it was easy to recycle. All I had to do was keep recyclable items separate from the trash and then walk them down the hall to the blue and green recycling containers and deposit the goods there. Fast forward to today, walking down the hall to do the recycling is no longer an option. I went to my local Target (a long time fav) and bought some blue and green bins and then I found this website to help me figure out where to take the goods once my bins were filled up. The entire process has been very smooth and as long as I remember to pack the bins in the car when they're full and I'll be driving past the recycling centers it's an easy goal to achieve. Check out 8 Ways to Green Your Recycling to see what you can do.

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