Feb 24, 2008

Sierra Leone.

The parents of my long-time friend, Jill (since 4th grade), had a mission farewell today as they prepare to move to Sierra Leone in Africa for the next 18 months to work as humanitarians. As always, they were delightful to listen to and brought humor into the idea of leaving family, friends and comforts to go to a place they never imagined they would visit. I enjoyed vacationing with them as a kid and know they'll bring joy and happiness to the people in Sierra Leone. Good luck Bill & Jude-babe!


Monica said...

I didn't know that Bill and Judy were doing this! That is so, so, so awesome...they will be amazing! We need to get together with Jill...I haven't seen her for the longest time. How is she doing?

Monica said...

Oh, and one more thing. What do I need to do to get my pictures in my posting to come out like yours? Is there an HTML script or something that you can direct me to? I need to change my format of my blog...it is driving me crazy!

Kellie said...

I know - isn't it crazy. The Squires (Lamont's parents) are the Mission Presidents there. Jill will be coming on Wednesday night, we can plan something then.

I'm not sure what you mean about my pictures - my friend, Kathryn, showed me everything I know. We can look at it Wednesday night if we have time.