Feb 18, 2008

On the Road Again.

After eleven weeks with no business trips (how can you count an overnight lay-over when you're moving over 2,000 miles cross-country?), I find myself on the road again. Chalk it up to my first trip since relocating to Salt Lake, but other than my trips to London and Vancouver while living in NY, today was the loooooongest travel day I have had in my three and a half years in the business. My darling and sleepy chauffeur dropped me at the airport at 7:30 a.m. where I was randomly selected for a full security screen. I then boarded a plane to Houston (very coincidental that I've been in that airport three times in the last five weeks) landed and caught a strange shuttle bus to avoid security and jump terminals. I boarded another plane, this one bound for West Palm Beach International Airport and then waited in a very hot cabin while a maintenance crew found and replaced a part on the plane. After being delayed for about an hour, we took off and flew over the Gulf of Mexico, arriving in Palm Beach at 6:00 p.m. At the end of the day (literally), I'm chalking the long day of travel up to (1) this IS a cross-country trip and (2) I lost two hours while crossing time zones. Now I've got to get myself tired so I can go to bed and shrug off the jet lag tomorrow morning. And now, what you've all been waiting for....

A few FUN facts about Stuart, Florida:

  • Elevation is 10 feet above sea level
  • Population of 14,633
  • There isn't a building in the town over four stories tall
  • Outdoor activities include sailing, diving, fishing, camping, hiking, biking and golfing (near PGA headquarters)


k. said...

Oh my goodness. No fun.

The most important question is, when are you coming to NYC?

Kellie said...

I thought I might be up there for a couple of days, because it turns out I'm working with New Yorkers on this project (my first project with the SF office), but I fly home on Thursday night.

Trust me --- I'm working on it!