Feb 2, 2008

In Memory.

"I am no longer a young man filled with energy and vitality. I am an old man. I'm given to meditation and prayer. I would enjoy sitting in a rocker, swallowing prescriptions, listening to soft music, and contemplating the things of the universe. But such activity offers no challenge and makes no contribution. I wish to be up and doing. I wish to face each day with resolution and purpose. I wish to use every waking hour to give encouragement, to bless those whose burdens are heavy, to build faith and strength of testimony. "
-Gordon B. Hinckley, 1910 - 2008


k. said...

I loved how in the funeral service yesterday, Thomas S. Monson talked about how President Hinckley never used his cane as he was supposed to. In the video that they played during one of the Mo-Tabs songs, any footage that showed his cane showed it up in the air like in this picture. :)

Kellie said...

I know, he's the counselor not the doctor! Thanks for finding the great quote. I looked for one I liked, but I liked the one on your blog best.