Feb 5, 2008


I have loosely defined some of my New Year Resolutions, but I haven't taken pen to paper on them yet. Like most Americans, fitness and weight loss always make the list. Without even writing this one down, I have lost 5 pounds since January 1! Chalk it up to moving back to Utah, not working the last three weeks or having a gym partner (thanks Heidi!), I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it continues (for at least another 5 or 10 pounds)!


k. said...

Okay, I love this cartoon. :)

Nice job with the 5 lbs. We should work on this together! I need some motivation. I also need to work about 20 hours less a week.

Kellie said...

The lax work schedule has seriously helped with my progress. I think my weight dropped so quickly since I was at my all time high when I left NY. I'm running a 5K this summer, still thinking about the SF Half Marathon - when was sign up?