Feb 28, 2008

City Transportation.

Today was the first day it felt weird to be out of NYC. I went into my Company's office downtown and organized my desk. At lunch I needed to go 18 SLC blocks, or 2.6 miles, and I didn't want to go to the garage, get my car out, drive 18 blocks, find a parking spot and repeat to get back to the office. Instead I thought, oh I'll just grab a cab.

Wait a minute, that doesn't work anymore. Maybe I could walk....

Hmmm, not likely in these heels. And, that might take a little while. I wish I could get on the subway...

TRAX! That could work....except that lunch starts in 5 minutes and I have no idea where to catch it, how often it runs, where to get off, etc. etc.

So I went to the garage, got my car and drove straight up the street 18 blocks. I did pass a couple of buses and thought

Oh, I could have taken the bus. I'm going to have to figure out SLC public transportation one way or another. Chances are by the time that happens, I'll prefer my car!


Mike said...

i had the opposite experience today... I had a fever of 102 and had to go from 92nd and york to 65th and 3rd to visit my doctor. I ended up cabbing it, but would have loved my own car right about then. No waiting, no tipping, everything on MY schedule - oh how joyful it would be.

Kellie said...

Come to the Mother Land and it can all be yours! (from J)

jamieanne said...

Truer words have never been spoken.

I'm so disappointed with the lack of convenience and public transportation here. Or maybe it's just my complete and total dependence on my car.

Kellie said...

Mike - we hope you get feeling better!