Feb 26, 2008

Chocolate Cinnamon Bears.

What could be better than cinnamon bears covered in chocolate? NOTHING!! I'm not as addicted to these as J, but I think they're one of my top five candies. They don't last in our pantry for long.

When I was in business school one of my classes took a tour of the Sweet Candy Company, a local manufacturer (and possibly creator?) of the tasty bears. We toured the manufacturing facilities, but I don't think they were dipping cinnamon bears back then (can you believe this will be my 6th year out of college?). I was quite surprised to learn that the entire building was designed for manufacturing this favorite Sweet treat (one of the things we missed while we were living in NY). If you haven't tried either of these treats, go out and get yourself some -- you deserve it!


Alix Bryant said...

where do you get these???? And for some reason, I thought J didn't like cinnamon...They sound delicious!

Kellie said...

You have a good memory - J doesn't like cinnamon...I guess unless it's in gummy form and covered in chocolate. Another intricate piece of his personality :)

Wal-Mart (but only the Layton one, not the Centerville one) sells them Factory Direct in 18 oz. boxes. You can buy them at sweetcandy.com too & I'm sure other stores sell them, but I couldn't find a locator on Sweet's website.

jamieanne said...

Oh geez, the Sweet Candy Co. makes the bestbestbest sugary cinnamon hearts at Valentines. My mom bought me a 10 lb. bag and it's already gone.

And the choco-cinnamon bears?!? Don't even get me started...