Feb 27, 2008

Blister Block.

I finally broke down after a record setting number of days wearing these. I opted for a little pair of camel brown flats the last few days that I bought in NY but only wore once. The first couple days breaking them in proved to be quite a pain (don't worry, I am a pro-active band-aid kind of gal). After a few times wearing the shoes with the big band-aids fully covering every square inch of heel, I decided to risk it and try wearing them sans band-aids. But don't you worry, I'm not extreme enough to go cold turkey. Instead, I applied Blister Block. It looks like a super mini stick of deodorant that isn't sticky, more waxy that you apply right onto your heels. I wore my flats all day and have no complaints whatsoever. After Trial #1, I'm sold on the Blister Block. I'll keep you posted on the success/failure rate in future trials.


k. said...

Need some. Now. Where did you buy it?

jamieanne said...

I am a perpetual heel-bandager. Either that or I always carry my cute shoes in my purse and switcharoo when I arrive at my destination (or cute shoes are needed).

Where does on purchase this magic potion?

Kellie said...

I got the goods at Target, but I'm sure any similar store would carry it. If you click through the "Blister Block" link, there is a coupon (not sure how much I couldn't figure out how to print it).

Trial #2 - I wore it with fishnets and heels to work yesterday with success. When I changed to flats for the Ingrid Michaelson concert, no blisters --- although my feet were killing by the end of the night (thanks to SRO at In the Venue!).